C001: GIS support for microplanning in the health sector
This is an intermediate level training course from GRID3. The course is a learning pathway to using geospatial data and technologies to enhance microplanning procedures. The ultimate objective is to reach more people in need of immunisation or related health services.
- Cost: Free
- Time commitment: 4-8 hours
- Format: Online and self-paced
- Support: GRID3 trainers plus peer-to-peer support
- Certificate: Awarded upon successful completion
- Click here to download PDF of course description
C001: GIS support for microplanning in the health sector
Topic outline
Welcome to the course!
Proceed as follows:
- Preview the course materials, presented in the sections below
- If you wish to participate in the course, log in with your user account then enrol here
- Expand the section Course description and setup below: Carefully read through the instructions in this section, and refer back to the Course Overview document
- Introduce yourself in the Discussion Forum: See the Getting help... section below; the discussion forum is open to enquiries on ether training setup or subject matter
- Work through coursework and assessments for Module 1 and 2
- Complete the feedback form, then download your certificate!
- Preview the course materials, presented in the sections below
Please proceed as follows:
- Review your learning objectives: Watch the short video below, to understand your learning objectives for this module.
- Watch the lecture videos: These are slide presentations on the course topic.
- Complete the practical exercise: Download training data using the link below, and work through the tutorial at your own pace.
- Take the module quiz, and earn your badge!
- Questions on this topic? Go to the 'Getting help – discussion Forum' section above, and post questions, or share knowledge with your peers.
This link will take you to a Google Drive location at which you can download a compressed zip file containing all data required for the case study. Please allow time for the download (333 MB) to complete.
Receive a grade Receive a passing grade
The quiz contains four questions, and a maximum of 14 points. They are designed to ensure your understanding of the GIS tools, techniques and data described in this course. Please note the following:
- Do not worry if you don't pass first-time! You have unlimited attempts to complete the quiz
- You will find the answers in the course materials and instructions
- Use the Discussion Forum for any queries or guidance
- Successful completion of this quiz is required for completing the training course; once all course components are complete you will receive your GRID3 certificate
- Do not worry if you don't pass first-time! You have unlimited attempts to complete the quiz
Please proceed as follows:
- Review your learning objectives: Watch the short video below, to understand your learning objectives for this module.
- Watch the lecture videos: These are slide presentations on the course topic.
- Complete the practical exercise: Download training data using the link below, and work through the tutorial at your own pace.
- Take the module assessment: Upload your maps and earn your badge.
- Questions on this topic? Go to the 'Getting help – discussion Forum' section above, and post questions, or share knowledge with your peers.
Receive a grade Receive a passing grade
FeedbackGRID3 Online Training – Feedback Form