Help on case study exercise

Help on case study exercise

by Nafisatu Ahmed -
Number of replies: 2

 Hello everyone,

 I need help on how to display the QGIS file of the case study exercise. Kindly see what I see when I  open it in my QGIS in the attached photograph.This is what happens when I open the QGIS project file

In reply to Nafisatu Ahmed

Re: Help on case study exercise

by Josie Foster -

Hi Ahmed,

Please ensure you have successfully extracted all the files from the zipped data folder you have downloaded. If all of the data files are extracted and saved in the same location as the QGIS project file (.qgz) then all the layers should appear in your QGIS window.

However, if QGIS is not recognising where the data files are saved on your computer, you can right-click on the layers in the layer panel and click 'repair data source'. A new window will then appear where you can navigate to where you have saved that data layer. This is showing QGIS where the data file is saved so it can be displayed.

Please let me know if you have any further issues.

All the best,

Josie Foster

In reply to Josie Foster

Re: Help on case study exercise

by Nafisatu Ahmed -
Thank you for your swift response. I have tried your suggestion and it worked. Thank you once again!