Assesment part 1 QUIZ

Assesment part 1 QUIZ

by Antony Kavoi -
Number of replies: 2

I have answered the question 1 correctly by identifying all the red flags but the system prompts that I have not answered anything.

I have attempted this quiz several times with correct answers but I am not being given the passing grade. Kindly advise.

In reply to Antony Kavoi

Re: Assesment part 1 QUIZ

by Yves Kulu Lembo -
i had the same issue. you are supposed to point the TARGET SYMBOL at the place where there is a problem. Not the red flat part. you can find the target symbol on top of the red flag upper left. round with a plus sign inside.
In reply to Yves Kulu Lembo

Re: Assesment part 1 QUIZ

by Graeme Hornby -
Thank you for your assistance Yves, and for helping a colleague! I agree with your clear, detailed instructions – Antony, please let us know if you are still having difficulties, but I hope it is now resolved.
Best wishes