Technical issues on my portal

Technical issues on my portal

by Mushabati Mukambata -
Number of replies: 1

I have completed this course and cleared all my assessment and even uploaded  Assessment Part 2: FILE UPLOAD. However, I have not been granted access to the GRID3 Online Training – Feedback Form. Also, on my portal there is 16% course completion instead of 100%. What could be the problem.

In reply to Mushabati Mukambata

Re: Technical issues on my portal

by Graeme Hornby -
Hi Mushabati,
I note that you have now received your certificate, so I assume the problem is now resolved? Please let me know if not. Access to the feedback form is only enabled once your Part 2 assessment has been graded. That was done today (our apologies for the delay), so I assume you were able to submit feedback.
Thank you for your participation and I hope you found course useful.
Best wishes,